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Calling Wise Women who are weary from the battles of life. Are you a woman of conviction, committed to a cause, living for reasons beyond yourself.


Are you Passionate and Purposeful. With many roles in family, business and community life? You know the race of life that you are called to run. You are not easily fooled by false promises and fantasy quick fix methods.


But you are finding yourself fragile and frantic in the hectic pace of life?


It is time to  PRESS PAUSE 


And listen...


Are you:

  • Tired when you wake up

  • Finding yourself reaching for an extra cup of coffee or cake

  • Disturbed by stomach pain and irritability

  • Finding yourself emotionally reactive or numb feeling nothing

  • When pressed for time, convenience food means you know you are selling yourself short in the nutrition you need

  • You have good intentions to exercise but you think tomorrow you will start and tomorrow gets further away

  • You lie awake on your device scrolling through images convincing yourself you are winding down when your mind has not got the message it is time to sleep

  • Your resentment of others steadily growing, those who you think should be lightening your load

  • The burdens of life feeling increasingly heavy and hard with no relief in sight

  • Finding ways to hide unhealthy habits and thinking harmful thoughts towards yourself 

  • Creeping disappointment towards yourself battling the thought that “you are the problem” and just need to “try harder”.


Is it time to get your BRAVE on and renew your strength and courage?

We Challenge you to change for the better.


Are you ready to let go of the need to pretend, deny, hustle, and avoid?


We are inviting you to join our team of Wise and Well Woman, who are no fools for Fad and Fake solutions. We want the real deal, sustainable and consistent change, empowering and encouraging community, that together we let go of the old habits and embrace the new. Leaving you fit and focused for the work at hand.

Ready and restored to run YOUR race of life with endurance.


We promise to make it FUN because life is hard enough and a cheerful heart is just good medicine for the soul.  


If you don’t want to just talk about making changes to your health habits and you want to move from discouraged to committed to making a plan. 


If your answer is yes.


Then join us for 3 FREE hours of Group Online Wellness Coaching over 3 days.

If you can not join us live, then sign up and get the replays.

Register Now

Register for email updates, links to the live sessions, replays and facebook group access.

You're In! More information will arrive in your inbox shortly.

"I felt encouraged, comfortable and productive in the coaching sessions. I saw real growth and breakthrough. I wish everyone could experience this. Brie and Angela have the most beautiful hearts for people, are professional and know what they are talking about. I would highly recommend any of their services."

Jess S

"I absolutely loved our time away at the retreat. I have come out of the retreat feeling refreshed, having identified areas in my life I would like to work on and how, with better relationships with my colleagues and ready to take on a busy rest of the year with a much more positive outlook."​


"Brie is an incredible Wellness Coach, who listens to you and works with you to achieve the goals and change the habits that are important to you and your life. She is kind, supportive and genuinely wants to see you thrive and become the best version of yourself. Wellness coaching has the potential to truly change your life!"

Jess G

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